GREETING: The Remarkable Long John's Birthday..

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


..For He's A Jolly Good Fellow..

None did ever realized it at first till there was a message in my Friendster telling me that 15th February marks the birthday of this very remarkable person..[HILFI a.ka. THE LONG JOHN]..Hahaha..Surprise Surprise..I was very sceptical at first..So I quickly checked for his birth date in his CV and guess what??..It's CONFIRMED..15th February was his birthday..Unfortunately, I was only able to read the message on the 16th of February..But no worries, no one did ever escaped from a surprise birthday celebration in OGDC.. It has always been a tradition for the OGDC-ians to celebrate other part-timer's birthday..That's what friends for including sticking a sticker onto a person's car..Hahaha..Well, that is what actually happen to Hilfi a.ka. The Long John..I wonder how did he get his Long John's nickname..Hahaha..Figure it out guys, I'm sure you'll be able to know the meaning of it.. Well, earlier on today, we bought a cake for him and put it somewhere safe so that no one will know..Some of the "jeng" also made something special for the Long John's car..A sticker with a label of STL will be sticked onto his car since his car was merely the same as like the others STL cars..Hahaha..

Right after the de-briefing, we mentioned about there will be a meeting regarding on the Ewway day for all of us and it will be held in the classroom..So all of us went there..While others were pretending to be in the meeting, Najib and me prepared the cake..Then as Najib walked into the doors, people starts singing the typical birthday song while clapping their hands according to the beat..Hilfi was kinda blurred at first..Still figuring out who's birthday we're actually celebrating..As the cake arrived at his place, then he realized that we were actually celebrating his birthday..Duh~Lagging..Hahahaha..He then blowed the candles and cuts the cake..Hehehe..

Food and drinks were also there..There's not much though but at least we're enjoying it..Hahaha..The photographers then took some candid pictures on some of us..

P/S: Wish you all the best in your futures and all of your dreams come true except for marrying the Korean ladies..Hahaha..Too many competitors in OGDC..hahaha..