LIFE: It's all about the QUEERS' NIGHT..

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Groove Them

..Event: HD Emblem:Venue: Chempaka Ballroom, BSRC:Time: 08.00pm..

What starts with a 'Q' and ends up with an "ENJOYABLE NIGHT" for everyone?? Uhmm..Haha..If you're thinking of being a queer is no joke, well, think for no more..Now, it has become a joke for the HD Emblem night..Hahaha..Well, the event kicked off with the arrival from Hj Zainal and his wife..A background song was then played as soon as they're done with the photography session just right infront of the ball room..Then the lovely couple was then brought to their table including with several others VIP..Greetings were then announced to all of the attendees (although there was not much of the attendees at the arrival of Hj Zainal..Before the event starts, a safety briefing video were showed to them where they tried to make it like a "CLOVERFIELD" video..but honestly, it doesn't really work..Nuh-Uh..Its so lame..Don't be offended, but its really totally lame..Anywhoo~ after the cloverfield-look-a-like-safety-briefing video were done, then an opening performance from the JP "something2x" were then performed on the stage..Fires were blown to the air which really amazes the attendees..


In the invitation card itself, it has been stated clearly for the attendees where they have to come around 7+ and not later than 8 as the event will start at 8..But people tends to ignore it, which in the ends spoiled our programme..How will people change?? I mean, we want it to be a very big event but in the end, people just thought that it was nothing and it was a game for them..Please do change your attitude as you are the role model for the young generations..

Sigh..Anywhoo~ Back to my QUEER story..The [BIG THING] is coming up..Uhm..Then two tall girls were then spotted on stage cat-walking from one side of the stage to another side..OoOo~ Bootylicious..Hahaha..But..Something was very wrong with them..Why are people laughing?? What's wrong with the girls on the stage..?? Uhmm..Then I remembered something..The MC was supposed to be a "GUY"..Wargh~ Its a SHEMALE..Hahahaha..That really puts a laugh out of me..He looks so perfect with the cheong-sam dressing except for his muscle buldging out from his hand..Other that that, he was PURR-FECTO~..Boobs looks real to me though..No buldging on that part..Hahaha..Well, he really handles it very well especially with the 3-4 inch shoes...A men wearing a high-heal shoe..?? Try to balance that..Hahaha..Anywhoo~A speech was then later given by Hj Zainal himself followed by the long-service presentation for the recipients..Then people were asked to get their food on the table..Hahaha..Hungry people then walked themselves up to the food station taking all of the food that they could thinking it was going to be finished in just one second..Hahaha..Glamarous clothing were worn during that night especially the women..Tell me about it..BLING-BLING..

While enjoying the feast, several performances were then performed till the end of that night..Along the night as well we've also got several lucky draws which I don't really understand..Uhmm..Anywhoo~ The best performance on that night was when our OGDC-ians performed a sketch on the stage with a couple of dances..Hahah..Hell it made people laughed a lot..Hahaha..Some of the guys were dressed in a "feminine" look while some remained to be the HUNK..Hahaha..Right~ Well, they've done a very good job though..Salute~As the night reached towards the end of the event, people starts to flee out of the ball room while missing the BEST part of the event itself (although it has not yet reached the end of it)..Well, frankly speaking, they've REALLY missed the BEST part of the event itself..After Hj Zainal left, something BIG happened on that night..Hahaha..Something that people shouldn't really missed..Hahaha..Guess what?? A live band was played at that very end of the event and people were asked to come on-stage to dance like hell..Wuhuu~..

So we dance through that night till our hearts dropped out..Hahha..Photographers then took a number of pictures of us..And we really look like an artist..Hahaha..Video was also taken that night..The video that I'm currently anticipating to watch..Hahaha..Well, the band played a number of songs till the light of the ball room was switched on..Sigh..That..was the very BEST night that I've ever felt for what?? Like after a decade ago..Sigh..Well, people really enjoyed that night and there's no doubt that, that night was a very AWESOME night for all of us..People just can't seem to stop enjoying the performances..I mean without the OGDC peeps, I'm sure that emblem would be the very BORING emblem ever..Hahahaha.. Wuhuu~ Well, just for you info, for that very awesome night also, I've got the chance to be the "CD" manager while others..well, let's just say they've got the chance to "UNLEASHED" their feminine side just for that night..Hahaha..

Nevertheless, all of it, really does come to a very good end..

P/S: I missed my old days where I used to dance in the clubs..Sigh..But hope there will be more event like this so that I could dance and slim down my toomy..Hahahaha...Still await for the pictures from the photographers though..