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LIFE: When Fat Turns Bad..

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Fatty Food.Oily Stuff.Bigger Size

When it comes to fat, people would say a lot of things about it and tried to avoid from getting it..Some even make vegetables as their daily food..While others, doesn't really care much about what they're eating which in the end, causes them obesity..Tough Luck..Talking about veges..Urgh~ Not a fan of veges though.. It taste very YUCKY..Ewey~ BUT..the yucky stuff always the best way to treat your illness though..Anywhoo~ At the moment, I'm trying to loose my weight since it is one of my 2008 resolutions..I've gained 10 kilo from last year weight and I'm getting "LARGER" each days.. This is bad..Very bad..Need to eat more yogurt and start EXERCISING~ Wargh~


According to the fact that I've found, we are not allowed to drink cold water before/during/after eating as it would slow down your food digestion and more bad, it turns to FAT!! Wargh.. No wonder I'm getting bigger..CURSE THE COKE!!

P/S: If there're any FREE food, DONCH WORRY, I'll "CONSUME" it slowly..Hahaha..