This is what I've posted earlier..
"New Mac.New Features.New Leopard
Mac OS X Leopard, the new and most impressive Mac OS X was installed in Roslan's laptop. The Mac OS X costs about B$381.00, which is a good price though, after you have installed it. Nevertheless, having a leopard installed in your system, is a dream for an Apple user. P/S: Leopard, wait for me....!!"
The comment I've received following the above post...
The truth about...
"Well...First of all, I've forgotten to mention to all of the readers that the Leopard that has been installed into Roslan's laptop was a MAC OS X Version 10.5 FAMILY PACK. Hehe.. The family pack is a single residence and has a five-user license. So I hope that this will clarify on why the price that you've bought for the Leopard was more cheaper than the price of the Leopard that Roslan has installed in his computer.." - Sousaku Koigokoro
P/S: Sorry for the confusion..!! Hehe.. Enjoy your reading..
Mahal jua.. hehe i got mine for cheaper at AV Electronics.. only B$238!
It's so worth it!!!"