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SOFTWARE: Mac OS X Leopard

Thursday, November 8, 2007

New Mac.New Features.New Leopard

Mac OS X Leopard, the new and most impressive Mac OS X was installed in Roslan's laptop. The Mac OS X costs about B$381.00, which is a good price though, after you have installed it. Nevertheless, having a leopard installed in your system, is a dream for an Apple user.

P/S: Leopard, wait for me....!!


Anonymous said...

Mahal jua.. hehe i got mine for cheaper at AV Electronics.. only B$238!

It's so worth it!!!

Anonymous said...

Oopss.. I forgot to tell you guys... The price is costly because the one that Roslan installed in his computer is a family package.. So I guess that's why the price was must more costly than the one that you've bought..